Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: (Not) Ten Books I Put Down

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!

This week's theme focuses on books you've struggled with or have recently put down. I used to force myself to finish any book I started but this year I realized life is too short for that so one of my 2017 reading goals was to allow myself to put something down if I'm not loving it.

So, here are the three books I've marked as did-not-finish on Goodreads this year.

 1. I typically like McHale but I just couldn't handle the sarcasm in this one.

2. I'm still pretty new to graphic novels and comic books and sometimes I just can't get into it.

3. Something about this just bugged me. I think it was possibly the writer's assumption that she could just waltz into the world of wine and learn all of the little secrets so easily.


Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

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