Friday, August 12, 2011


Look what I found at the local Wal-Mart.


Chobani!! I was grabbing some other yogurt and looked up and – BAM! – there it was. I only let myself get 2 just in case I didn’t like it. I got strawberry and strawberry-banana – which I tore into as soon as I got the groceries put away. And oh goodness gracious is this stuff good. I’m in love.

Dear Chobani, thank you for coming to my neck of the woods.

1 comment:

  1. I just recently jumped onto the greek yogurt wagon as well, and I am hooked as well. My fave is the Dannon Oikos yogurt in the honey flavor. Tastes like a slightly sweet cheesecake to me. Thanks for swinging by my blog. :)



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